Many years ago, I walked into a retreat center in rural Missouri on road-shaky legs. I’d driven 9 hours from my home in Milwaukee through driving rain, and the last 3 hours led me deep into the rural Ozarks on snaking, hilly roads. I remember saying, “Where am I?” as I passed homes flying Confederate flags and a roadside revival meeting place. At last, I turned off the main paved road and crawled along for another mile on a graded gravel road, crossing two low concrete bridges that went through rather than over the creek, until I reached a hill top and the place I thought I was supposed to be… Read more
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New Leaf Coaching & Consulting is an Organizational Development Consultancy. We help people in values-based organizations work well together so they can do amazing work in the world. We create customized solutions, focused on your goals, so your organization can achieve extraordinary results.
- (414) 510-8153