Wilson Wilson2014-12-08 13:05:092014-12-08 13:05:09And Then There’s the Human Element…
It actually matters quite a bit, this idea of self. Our beliefs about the separateness of our Self or the connection of Self to everything else in the universe shape how we think, feel, and live each and every moment of the day.
What is the self? Is it different from identify or self-image? Am “I” my physical body? What does the Buddhist concept of no-self mean? Am I alone or inextricably connected? Who is thinking these thoughts? Read more Wilson Wilson2014-11-17 10:25:252014-11-17 10:25:25Who Do You Think You Are?
Imagine yourself walking on a gentle path on a hill beside the sea. It’s a glorious sunny day, warm but with a slight cooling breeze, puffy white clouds drifting across the bluest of blue skies. Your destination is a seaside cafe where a dear friend awaits. Perfection.
And then…
You get a tiny little pebble in your shoe. All of your focus immediately shifts to the pain in the ball of your foot and the need to not have it hurt. You might try to ignore it and hobble along, hoping it will shift or somehow just disappear. After all, it’s a bother to stop and take off your shoe to deal with it, and your friend is waiting. There’s no time to deal with this, and it’s so annoying to have this intrude on what was a perfectly good walk. Darn it all!
Of course, it doesn’t go away but just gets lodged more firmly. Unicorns and rainbows might suddenly appear for all you know, but you won’t notice because you’re so distracted. Read more Wilson Wilson2011-11-17 11:57:282011-11-17 11:57:28A Pebble in Your Shoe